Refereed journals,
Book Chapters,
International Conferencess,
AI Books
Artificial Intelligence for Business Optimization
This book explains how AI and Machine Learning can be applied to help businesses solve problems, support critical thinking and ultimately create customer value and increase profit.
By considering business strategies, business process modeling, quality assurance, cybersecurity, governance and big data and focusing on functions, processes, and people’s behaviors it helps businesses take a truly holistic approach to business optimization. It contains practical examples that make it easy to understand the concepts and apply them.
It is written for practitioners (consultants, senior executives, decision-makers) dealing with real-life business problems on a daily basis, who are keen to develop systematic strategies for the application of AI/ML/BD technologies to business automation and optimization, as well as researchers who want to explore the industrial applications of AI and higher-level students.
Refereed Journals
T. Phuntsho and T. Gonsalves. "Maximizing Net Present Value for Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problems with Payments at Event Occurrences using approximate dynamic Programming". Algorithms, April 2024, 17(5), 180; https://doi.org/10.3390/a17050180
H. D. Purnomo, T. Gonsalves, T. Wahyono, and P. O. N. Saian, “Neuroevolution untuk optimalisasi parameter jaringan saraf tiruan”, AITI, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 125–134, Aug. 2023.
H. D. Purnomo and T. Gonsalves. "Enhanced Harmony Search for Hyperparameter Tuning of Deep Neural Networks", Journal of Soft Computing (to appear).
T. Phuntsho and Tad Gonsalves. "Selecting hybrids of Metaheuristics for Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problems with Discounted Cashflows". Connection Science, Taylor and Francis, Original Submission (26/10/2023), revised submission (18/12/2023).
T. Phuntsho and T. Gonsalves. "Metaheuristics Portfolio Optimization for Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problems with Milestones Payments". SN Computer Science, Springer. Original submission (29/12/2023) (under review).
Z. Xue and T. Gonsalves, “Monocular vision guided deep reinforcement learning UAV systems with representation learning perception,” Connection Science, Taylor and Francis, pp. 1–22, Mar. 2023, doi: 10.1080/09540091.2023.2183828.
J. Upadhyay and T. Gonsalves, “An enhanced GAUT recognition system based on the features fusion methodology with recurrent neural networks (RNN)” INDJCSE, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1483–1496, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.21817/indjcse/2022/v13i5/221305042
J. Upadhyay, T. Gonsalves, and V. Katkar, “Robust and Lightweight System for Gait-based Age Estimation towards Viewing Angle Variations,” CJAI, vol. 1, no. 2, p. e260822208023, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.2174/2666782701666220826104925.
J. Upadhyay, T. Gonsalves, and V. Katkar, “A Lightweight System Towards Viewing Angle and Clothing Variation in Gait Recognition:,” International Journal of Big Data Intelligence and Applications, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 21–38, Mar. 2022, doi: 10.4018/IJBDIA.287616.
J. Li and T. Gonsalves, “Parallel Hybrid Island Metaheuristic Algorithm,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 42268–42286, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3165830.
J. Li and T. Gonsalves, “A Variant Genetic Algorithm for a Specific Examination Timetabling Problem in a Japanese University,” CJAI, vol. 1, no. 2, p. e100622205848, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.2174/2666782701666220610145137.
R.Komatsu and T.Gonsalves, “Facial Condiitional Translation Multi - CartoonGAN with Central Biasing Instance Normalization” in, Yasufumi Takama, Naohiro Matsumura, Katsutoshi Yada, Mitsunori Matsushita, Daisuke Katagami, Akinori Abe, Hisashi Kashima, Toshihiro Hiraoka, Takahiro Uchiya, Rafal Rzepka, (Eds), Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Selected Papers from the Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2021),Volume 1423 of Advances in intelligent systems and computing, ISSN 2194-5365, Springer Nature, 2022, pp.57-66.
R. Komatsu and T. Gonsalves, “Multi-CartoonGAN with Conditional Adaptive Instance-Layer Normalization for Conditional Artistic Face Translation,” AI, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 37–52, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.3390/ai3010003.
R. Komatsu and T. Gonsalves, “Translation of Real-World Photographs into Artistic Images via Conditional CycleGAN and StarGAN,” SN COMPUT. SCI., vol. 2, no. 6, p. 489, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.1007/s42979-021-00884-2.
S. Inoue and T. Gonsalves, “Activation Maximization with a Prior in Speech Data,” AJCST, vol. 4, no. 3, p. 75, 2021, doi: 10.11648/j.ajcst.20210403.13.
S. Inoue and T. Gonsalves, “Style-Restricted GAN: Multi-Modal Translation with Style Restriction Using Generative Adversarial Networks,” preprint, 2021, doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2105.07621.
D. Roch-Dupré, T. Gonsalves, A. P. Cucala, R. R. Pecharromán, Á. J. López-López, and A. Fernández-Cardador, “Determining the optimum installation of energy storage systems in railway electrical infrastructures by means of swarm and evolutionary optimization algorithms,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 124, p. 106295, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2020.106295
D. Roch-Dupré, T. Gonsalves, A. P. Cucala, R. R. Pecharromán, Á. J. López-López, and A. Fernández-Cardador, “Multi-stage optimization of the installation of Energy Storage Systems in railway electrical infrastructures with nature-inspired optimization algorithms,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 104, p. 104370, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2021.104370.
T. Gonsalves and J. Upadhyay, “Integrated deep learning for self-driving robotic cars,” in Artificial Intelligence for Future Generation Robotics, Elsevier, 2021, pp. 93–118. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-85498-6.00010-1.
Z. Xue and T. Gonsalves, “Vision Based Drone Obstacle Avoidance by Deep Reinforcement Learning,” AI, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 366–380, Aug. 2021, doi: 10.3390/ai2030023.
R. Komatsu and T. Gonsalves, “Comparing U-Net Based Models for Denoising Color Images,” AI, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 465–487, Oct. 2020, doi: 10.3390/ai1040029.
D. Roch-Dupré and T. Gonsalves, “Increasing Energy Efficiency by Optimizing the Electrical Infrastructure of a Railway Line Using Fireworks Algorithm:,” in Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics, Y. Tan, Ed., IGI Global, 2020, pp. 263–282. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1659-1.ch012.
B. Unhelkar and T. Gonsalves, “Enhancing Artificial Intelligence Decision Making Frameworks to Support Leadership During Business Disruptions,” IT Prof., vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 59–66, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1109/MITP.2020.3031312.
T. Gonsalves and U. Bhuvan, “Superimposing Natural Intelligence on Artificial Intelligence: Optimizing Value,” cutter.com, Jun. 23, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.cutter.com/article/superimposing-natural-intelligence-artificial-intelligence-optimizing-value
T. Gonsalves and Y.Nishimoto, “Swarm Intelligence for Web Document Classification,” cutter.com, Dec. 12, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.cutter.com/article/swarm-intelligence-web-document-classification-497856
T. Gonsalves. "Two diverse Swarm Intelligence techniques for Supervised Learning", International Journal of Swarm Intelligence, Volume 6 Issue 4, October 2015, pp.55-66.
T. Gonsalves and R. Oishi. "Artificial Immune Algorithm for exams timetable", Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, Vol 4, No 2, July 7, 2015, pp.287-296.
T.Gonsalves and T. Shiozaki. "Solving Capacity Problems as Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problems," International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Volume 6, Number 1, March 2015, pp.53-65.
K. Tomaru , T.Gonsalves and K.Itoh. "Searching process-analysis diagrams data-base using the Artificial Immune System", SDPS 2011, June 2011.
R. Tanabe, T.Gonsalves and K. Itoh: "A new node-selection procedure for solving TSP using the ACO algorithm", SDPS 2011, June 2011.
T. Gonsalves, "Feature Subset Optimization through the Fireworks Algorithm", International Journal of Computer Science Engineering, Vol.4, No. 3, 2015, pp. 211-218.
T. Gonsalves and K. Kuwata, "Memetic Algorithm Memetic Algorithm for the Nurse Scheduling Problem", International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications, Vol. 6, No.4, July 2015, pp.43-52.
Fernández Rodríguez, A. Fernández-Cardador, A. Cucala, A.P. Domínguez, M. Gonsalves, T.; Design of robust and energy efficient ATO speed profiles of metropolitan lines considering train load variations and delays, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. PP, no.99, pp.1-11, 2014.
T. Gonsalves and A.Oguro. "Feed-forward Neural Network Training using Particle Swarm Optimization", Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, 2014, 12(1):1-13.
M. Domínguez, A.Fernández-Cardador, A. Paloma Cucala and T. Gonsalves. "Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for the design of efficient ATO speed profiles in metro lines", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 29, March 2014, pp. 43–53.
T. Gonsalves and A.Egashira. "Parallel Swarms Oriented Particle Swarm Optimization", Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, vol.2013, Article ID 756719, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/756719.
T. Gonsalves: "CLONALG for improving software development cost models", Advances in Computer Science & Engineering; Nov. 2012, Vol. 9 Issue 2, pp.133-151.
T. Gonsalves and K.Itoh: "GA Optimization of Petri Net-Modeled Concurrent Service Systems", Applied Soft Computing, Volume 11, Issue 5, July 2011, pp. 3929-3937.
T. Gonsalves, K.Yamagishi and K.Itoh. "Multi-objective optimization in service systems", Journal of Digital Information Management, Vol.8, No.4, August 2010, pp.254-259.
T. Gonsalves and K. Itoh. "Simulation Optimization of practical concurrent service systems", Intelligent Automation and Computer Engineering, Springer, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2010, Volume 52, pp. 67-77.
T. Gonsalves and K. Itoh. "Service Optimization with Patient Satisfaction in Healthcare Systems", Journal of Simulation, Special Issue: Simulation in Healthcare, Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2009, pp.150-162.
T. Gonsalves, R. Kawabata, K. Itoh. "Task Segmentation and GA for the Optimization of Software development Multi-Project Schedule", ソフトウェア工学の基礎論文集,Vol.15, 2008, pp.31-40.
T. Gonsalves, R. Kawabata, S. Tabata, and K. Itoh. "Petri Net Tools for the Analysis of Collaborative Tasks", Journal of Integrated Systems, Design, and Process Science, March 2008, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 25-40.
T. Gonsalves and K. Itoh. "Performance Simulation and Design of Petri Net Systems", Journal of Integrated Systems, Design, and Process Science, December 2008, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 27-37.
T. Gonsalves and K. Itoh. "Service Systems Performance Ontology", Journal of Integrated Systems, Design, and Process Science, June 2008, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1-6.
T. Gonsalves, K. Itoh. "Performance Design Rationale Framework", SDPS Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 61-74, March 2007.
T. Gonsalves, S. Baba, and K. Itoh. "GA Optimization of Collaborative Systems", Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.11, No.7, pp. 793-802, 2007.
T. Gonsalves, K. Itoh. "Heuristics and Qualitative Rules for the Performance Design of Collaborative Systems", SDPS Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 35-44, 2007.
T. Gonsalves, K. Itoh. "Simulated Annealing in the Optimization of Collaborative Systems Operation," SDPS Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 87-95, 2006.
T. Gonsalves, R. Kawabata, K. Nakagawa, Y. Ishikawa, K. Itoh. "Computer-Mediated Collaborative Engineering System (CMCES) and its Applications to Education", SDPS Journal , Vol.9, No.2, pp.13-31, 2005. Tad Gonsalves: Creation and Brief history of time, JDV Philosophy Series IX, Jnanadeep Vidyapeeth University, Pune, India, pp. 46-55, 1994.
T. Gonsalves. "Simulation of electron motion in a dense medium", 1992 Annual Physics Journal, Publication of the Poona University, Pune, India, 1992, pp. 12-19.
T. Gonsalves. "Energy mechanism in QUASARS", 1990 Annual Physics Journal, Publication of the Poona University, Pune, India, 1990, pp.54-60.

Book Chapters
Tad Gonsalves, The Summers and Winters of Artificial Intelligence, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, (4th ed.), to appear.
Tad Gonsalves, Board Games AI, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, (4th ed.), to appear.
Tad Gonsalves, Hybrid Swarm Intelligence, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, (3rd ed., Mehdi Khosrow-Pour ed.), Information Science Reference, 2014, pp. 185-196.
Tad Gonsalves, Web Mining – the state of the art, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, (3rd ed., Mehdi Khosrow-Pour ed.), Information Science Reference, 2014, pp. 1937-1947.
Tad Gonsalves, Kei Yamagishi, Ryo Kawabata and Kiyoshi Itoh: Optimizing Software Development Cost Estimates using Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization, In: F. Meziane & S. Vadera (eds.) AI Applications for Improved SE Development New Prospects, IGI Global, New York, 2009, pp. 45-65.
Tad Gonsalves, Kiyoshi Itoh: Generic Core Life Cycle and Conceptual Architecture for the Development of Collaborative Systems, In: Knowledge Sharing in the Integrated Enterprise (P. Bernus and M. Fox (ed.), pp.417-426, Springer, 2005.
Tad Gonsalves, Ryo Kawabata, Kiyoshi Itoh, Performance Design and Improvement of Collaborative Systems by the application of Knowledge-Based Qualitative Reasoning, The ATLAS Module Series on Transdisciplinary Education & Research, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-31, November 2005.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Cost Minimization in Service Systems using Particle Swarm Optimization, In: R. Lee (ed) Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel / Distributed Computing, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 149, pp.151-161, Springer, 2008.
Tad Gonsalves, Kiyoshi Itoh, Ryo Kawabata: Composite Service Model for the Performance Design of Collaborative Systems, The ATLAS Module Series on Transdisciplinary Education & Research, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 1-41, 2007.

International Conferences
T. Phuntsho and T. Gonsalves, “Maximizing the Net Present Value of Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems using Recurrent Neural Network with Genetic Algorithm,” in 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT), Bengaluru, India, Jan. 2023, pp. 524–530. doi: 10.1109/IDCIoT56793.2023.10053390
T. Phuntsho and T. Gonsalves, “Hybrid of Simplified Small World and Group Counseling Optimization Algorithms with Matured Random Initialization and Variable Insertion Neighborhood Search Technique to Solve Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems with Discounted Cash Flows,” in AICCC 2022: 2022 5th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC), Osaka, Dec. 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3582099.3582110.
R. Komatsu, A. A. Arntzen Bechina, S. Güldal, and M. Şaşmaz, "Machine Learning Attempt to Conflict Detection for UAV with System Failure in U-Space: Recurrent Neural Network, RNN," in International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 21-24, 2022.
Xue Zhihan, and Tad Gonsalves, “Short-Term Visual-IMU Fusion Memory Agent For Drone’s Motion Planning” in 2022 10th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET), Matsue, Japan, Apr. 2022.
T. Phuntsho and T. Gonsalves, “Solving NPV-Based Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Using Genetic Algorithm,” in 2022 10th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET), Matsue, Japan, Apr. 2022, pp. 409–414. doi: 10.1109/ICIET55102.2022.9779035.
J. Li and T. Gonsalves, “A Hybrid Approach for Metaheuristic Algorithms Using Island Model,” in Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2021, Volume 3, vol. 360, K. Arai, Ed. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 311–322. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-89912-7_24.
R. Komatsu and K. Yamazaki, “Conditional Drive Environment Translation using StarGAN with CBIN”, In 2021 3rd Asia Digital Image Processing Conference, December, 2021.
R.Komatsu and T.Gonsalves, “Multi-CartoonGAN for Conditional Artistic Face Translation”. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI 35th Annual Conference, 2021. The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2021. pp. 2N1IS2a01-2N1IS2a01.
X. Zhihan, and T.Gonsalves, “Monocular Vision Obstacle Avoidance UAV: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Method” 2nd International Conference on Innovative and Creative Information Technology 2021, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia, September 2021.
R. Komatsu and T.Gonsalves, “Investigating Conditional CycleGAN for Real-World Photo to Conditional Artistic Image Translation”. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI 34th Annual Conference, 2020. The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2020. pp. 2K4ES205-2K4ES205.
R. Takehara and T. Gonsalves, "Autonomous Car Parking System using Deep Reinforcement Learning," presented at the ICITECH, Jakarta, Indonesia, Sep. 23-24, 2021.
Y. Kurihara and T. Gonsalves, "6D Posture Estimation of Road Vehicles from Color Images," in XV. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (ICAISE), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sep. 16-17, 2021, pp. 1-8. (Best paper award)
T. Gonsalves, "Developing a low-cost autonomous driving prototype," in Proc. ICITECH, Jakarta, Indonesia, Sep. 23-24, 2021.
J. Upadhyay, T. Gonsalves, R. Paranjpe, H. Purohit and R. Joshi, "Biometric Identification Using Gait Analysis by Deep Learning," 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/INOCON50539.2020.9298276.
J. Li and T. Gonsalves, “Genetic Algorithm for Exam Timetabling Problem - A Specific Case for Japanese University Final Presentation Timetabling,” in Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT), Dec. 2020, pp. 1–12. doi: 10.5121/csit.2020.101701.
S. Inoue and T. Gonsalves, "LCGAN: Conditional GAN with Multiple Discrete Classes," in The 34th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence in Japan, Jun. 2020.
J. Watanabe and T. Gonsalves, "In-vehicle camera images prediction by Generative Adversarial Network," in Proc. 6th International Conference on Computer Science & Information Technology, CoSIT2019, Dubai, Feb. 23-24, 2019, pp. 45-55.
T. Gonsalves, "Deep Learning techniques for training a self-driving vehicle," in Proc. 2019 International Conference for Leading and Young Computer Scientists, IC-LYCS 2019, Okinawa, Japan, Feb. 28 - Mar. 3, 2019.
R. Komatsu and T. Gonsalves, “Generating Conditional RGB Images with Conditional DCGAN”, In SDPS2019, July 2019
Rikuka Takehara, Tad Gonsalves, "Parking space identification for self-parking," SDPS 2019, Taichung,Taiwan, July 28- Aug. 1, 2019.
R. Komatsu and T. Gonsalves, Conditional DCGAN's Challenge: Generating Handwritten Character Digit, Alphabet and Katakana. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI 33rd Annual Conference, 2019. The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2019. pp. 3B3E204-3B3E204. (査読あり)
R. Komatsu and T. Gonsalves, “Effectiveness of U-Net in Denoising RGB Images”, In Comput. Sci. Inf. Techn, 2019, pp. 1-10.
R. Komatsu and T. Gonsalves, “Removing noise from handwritten character images using U-Net through online learning”, In 2018 International Conference on Image and Video Processing, and Artificial Intelligence. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018. p. 108360K.
A. Adachi and T. Gonsalves, "White Lane Detection Using Semantic Segmentation," in 2018 International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications (HP3C-2018), Beijing, China, June 28-30, 2018, pp. 142-147.
T. Moon, N. Nakamura, and T. Gonsalves, "Obstacle detection and recognition using SSD," in 2018 International Conference on Image, Vision and Pattern Recognition (IVPRAI), Shanghai, China, 2018, pp. 236-240.
T. Okuyama, T. Gonsalves and J. Upadhay, "Autonomous Driving System based on Deep Q Learning," 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS), 2018, pp. 201-205, doi: 10.1109/ICoIAS.2018.8494053.
T. Kurosaka and T. Gonsalves, "Risk Estimation for Self-driving Cars Using Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm," in Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Image, Vision and Pattern Recognition (IVPAI), Shanghai, China, Aug. 2018, pp. 171-177.
T. Okuyama, T. Gonsalves, and J. Upadhay, "Autonomous Driving System based on Deep Q Learnig," 2018 International Conference on Industrial Automation and Smart Manufacturing (ICoIAS), Singapore, 2018, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICoIAS.2018.8385525
R. Komatsu and T. Gonsalves, “Traffic Signs Automatic Recognition Using Convolution Neural Network”, In SDPS 2017, Dec. 2017.
Kazuya Sano, Tad Gonsalves: Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network for Autonomous Driving, SDPS2015, Dallas, Nov. 2015.
Yasuaki Nishimoto, Tad Gonsalves: Optimization of Feature Selection using Particle Swarm Optimization, SDPS2015, Dallas, Nov. 2015.
Tad Gonsalves and Yasuaki Nishimoto, Data Clustering through Particle Swarm Optimization driven Self-Organizing Maps, IIST2015, February, 2015.
Tad Gonsalves and Takafumi Shiozaki , Ant Colony Optimization for Capacity problems, ARIA2015, January, 2015.
Yasuaki Nishimoto and Tad Gonsalves, Classification of Blog writers, SDPS2014, June 2014.
Tad Gonsalves and Ayako Fukunaga, Expert system for maintaining a healthy life-style, SDPS2014, June 2014.
Tad Gonsalves, A Management and queuing trade-off in business systems, ICCSLE, Sept. 2013.
Yu Kanki, Tad Gonsalves, Wind Farm Optimization Model of Turbines Layout Using Differential Evolution, ICCSLE, Sept. 2013.
Yujiro Ogata and Tad Gonsalves, Expert System for food suggestion and medical checkup, ICCSLE, Sept. 2013.
Tad Gonsalves and Yu Aiso, Multi-modal Optimization using a Simple Artificial Immune Algorithm, ICCGI2012.
Ryoji Tanabe and Tad Gonsalves, Evaluation of the performance of interactive ACO algorithms on simulated breeding, ASC2012.
Tad Gonsalves, Feature subset selection in software cost models using the Artificial Immune Algorithm, SE2012.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Customer satisfaction and cost optimization in service systems, IICAI2011, Dec. 2011.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Improving customer satisfaction using the Artificial Immune System, IMECS2011, March 2011.
Kazunosuke Tomaru, Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Searching process-analysis diagrams data-base using the Artificial Immune System, SDPS 2011.
Ryoji Tanabe, Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: A new node-selection procedure for solving TSP using the ACO algorithm, SDPS 2011.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Optimal Staff Allocation using Particle Swarm Optimization, CI2010, pp.7-13.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Multi-Objective Optimization for Software Development Projects, IMECS2010, March 2010.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Operational Cost Optimization using Artificial Immune System, IICAI09, Dec. 2009.
Tad Gonsalves, Kei Yamagishi, Ryo Kawabata, Kiyoshi Itoh, Skill-based Staff Allocation Optimization in Software Development Projects, FOSE2009.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for the minimization of software development multi-project schedule, ASC09, Sept. 2009.
Tad Gonsalves, Kei Yamagishi and Kiyoshi Itoh: Service cost and waiting time – a multi-objective optimization scenario, ICADIWT09, Aug. 2009.
Tad Gonsalves, Kei Yamagishi, Kiyoshi Itoh: Swarm Intelligence in the Fine-Tuning of Software Development Cost Estimation Models. COMPSAC2009, pp. 593-598.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Swarm Intelligence in the Optimization of Concurrent Service Systems, IMECS09, March 2009.
Tad Gonsalves, Kei Yamagishi, and Kiyoshi Itoh: Simultaneous optimization of service cost and waiting cost in service systems, 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition,AIPR-09, July 2009.
Tad Gonsalves Kiyoshi Itoh: Optimization of Concurrent Service Systems, SCIS&ISIS2008, Sept. 2008.
Tad Gonsalves, Teruhiro Tagomori and Kiyoshi Itoh: Service Systems Performance Ontology, IDPT2008, June 2008.
Tad Gonsalves, Kei Yamagishi and Kiyoshi Itoh: Collaborative Systems Optimization using ACO, IDPT2008, June 2008.
Tad Gonsalves, Atsushi Ito, Ryo Kawabata, Kiyoshi Itoh: Swarm Intelligence in the Optimization of Software Development Project Schedule, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems, ESAS 2008, July 2008.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Optimization of Software Development Project Schedule using Genetic Algorithm, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, FOSE, Nov. 2008.
Tad Gonsalves, Ryo Kawabata and Kiyoshi Itoh: Towards a New Transdiciplinary Architecture for Knowledge Based Systems, IDPT2007, June 2007.
Tad Gonsalves, Keigo Shiiba and Kiyoshi Itoh: Performance Simulation and Design of Petri Net Systems, IDPT2007, June 2007.
Tad Gonsalves, Shinichiro Baba and Kiyoshi Itoh: Optimization of Collaborative Systems Operation using Genetic Algorithm, Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2006), September 2006.
Tad Gonsalves and Kiyoshi Itoh: Simulated Annealing in The Optimization of Collaborative Systems Operation, IDPT2006, June 2006.
Tad Gonsalves, Kiyoshi Itoh: Heuristics and Qualitative Rules for the Performance Design of Collaborative Systems, IDPT2005, June 2005.
Tad Gonsalves, Kiyoshi Itoh: Generic Core Life Cycle and Conceptual Architecture for the Development of Collaborative Systems, IFIP DIISM2004, October 2004.
Tad Gonsalves, Kiyoshi Itoh, Ryo Kawabata: Use of Petri nets in the Performance Design and Improvement of Collaborative Engineering Systems, 2004 IDPT Symposium on System Design and Software Engineering, June 2004.
Tad Gonsalves, Kiyoshi Itoh, and Ryo Kawabata: Perspective Allocating Qualitative Function for Performance Design and Improvement of Collaborative Engineering Systems, ECEC2004, (April 2004).
Ryo Kawabata, Kengo Nakagawa, Tad Gonsalves, Kiyoshi Itoh: Computer-Mediated Collaborative Engineering System (CMCES), ICSSEA2003, December 2003.
National Conferences
小松里奈, ゴンサルベス タッド, “U-Net による手書き文字画像内のノイズ除去”, In 人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第 32 回全国大会 (2018). 一般社団法人 人工知能学会, 2018. pp. 4M101-4M101. (査読あり)
飯島与喜, ゴンサルベス タッド, データ拡張手法を用いたスペイン語文法誤り訂正, 言語処理学会第29回年次大会発表論文集, pp. 1896-1900.
盛野晃平, ゴンサルベス タッド, 単語に対して複数の表現を使用した上位概念の発見言語処理学会第29回年次大会発表論文集, pp. 2414-2418.
Invited Speaker
Tad Gonsalves, “Exploring the Future of AI”, Sophia UN week, Oct 10, 2024.
Tad Gonsalves, “What is AI? What are its potentials and limits?”, Japan Catholic Doctors Association, Tokyo Branch, Kibe Hall, Chiyoda-ku, March 16, 2024.
Tad Gonsalves, Consultative Workshop on Encountering AI, Vatican Dicastery of Education and Culture, Rome, March 22-23, 2024.
How to introduce Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and AI-related technologies in medical practices”, National Health Service (NHS) clinic, Norbury, London, March 26, 2024.
Tad Gonsalves, “AI business applications: The economic impact of future self-driving vehicles”, College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, May 2023.
Tad Gonsalves, “Developing a low-cost autonomous driving prototype”, The 2nd International Conference on Innovative and Creative Information Technology 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia, September 2021.
Tad Gonsalves, “The past, present, and future of AI and Machine Learning”, Commillas University, Madrid, September 2019.
Tad Gonsalves, “Artificial Intelligence, a Non-Technical introduction.” University of South-Eastern Norway, September 2018.